Medical devices will lose share in terms of revenues in the total US anti-migraine market by 2022

Anti-migraine medical devices

Anti-migraine medical devices will grab 5% market share in the United Kingdom and 3% in Germany in revenues in 2022

Whilst medical devices will gain two percentage points versus therapeutic drugs from 2018 to 2022 in terms of market share revenues for the total UK and German anti-migraine markets, CRLifeSc predicts that medical devices will lose two percentage points to grab only 7% of the total market to treat migraine in the United States.

During 2017 the medical devices market for the treatment of migraine in Germany has been able to seize approximately 1% share. Meanwhile the UK market for this type of devices has generated twice as much revenues to get 3% share. These devices are mainly available through specialist clinics and neurologists.

Anti-migraine medical devices face significant challenges and many opportunities

Migraine: A Neuroinflammatory Disease?
The potential involvement of neurogenic inflammation in the pathogenesis of the migraine headache and the inhibition of this mechanism as a possible mode of action of antimigraine medications are discussed in great depth in this volume.

93% of revenues are expected to be generated by therapeutic drugs in 2022 in the United States. Abortive drugs (analgesics and antiemetics, specific antimigraine drugs, and more innovative medicines) will still lead the market. Anti-CGRP monoclonal antibodies and gepants together with new preventive drugs will help to drive the anti-migraine therapeutic drugs market. Expected high prices for these innovative products has become a major concern for government payors and insurance companies.

CRLifeSc estimates that neurostimulators and intraoral devices will have growth rates above 16% in revenues by 2022, but still according to the market neurostimulators may be underperforming.

Currently approved anti-migraine medical devices mainly target non-invasive Vagus Nerve Stimulation (VNS), Trigeminal Nerve Stimulation (TNS) and Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS), but Cranial Electrotherapy Stimulation (CES) devices and Vestibular Neurostimulators could also enter this market. Other invasive devices aiming at occipital nerves, trigeminal nerves, sphenopalatine ganglion, vagus nerve and spinal cord are also under study.

If you want to know more about this market you can follow this link.

Management of Headache and Headache Medications
The art of treating headache patients is a complex one, and there are a myriad of medication possibilities. Dr. Robbins has managed to present a clear and practical approach to headache medicines. He brings us through standard first line therapies into more complex “end of the line” medication treatments.

Beat Chronic Disease
CRLifeSc recommends this book for lay people following its affiliate marketing program. Migraine and depression are often associated.


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CRLifeSc Insights has launched the most complete Antimigraine Market Report unravelling many opportunities and some threats

CRLifeSc Insights has produced the most complete market report for the Antimigraine Market. The report conveys a strategic analysis to 2022 for therapeutic drugs, diagnostics and medical devices in the United States, United Kingdom and Germany.

An overview of the anti-migraine market as accurate as possible in three relevant countries

In order to assess the market properly it is necessary to have an overview as complete and accurate as possible. Most of the reports available on the market just give partial views with a lack of adequate understanding for the whole picture.

The treatment of migraine offers many opportunities and some threats for healthcare companies. This report will make the reader an expert in this field.

This report is independent and economically unbiased and it is not sponsored by any stakeholder with an interest in the antimigraine market.

What you can find in this report

CRLifeSc Insights has conducted primary and secondary research involving more than 500 companies and institutions, more than 80 active ingredients and compounds as well as medical devices, and about 200 patents, to produce a report that contains 634 pages, 70 figures and 65 tables.

The structure and segmentation of this report makes an interesting and easy reading to reach conclusions and prompt adequate analysis and planning.

Who should buy this report

Investors, consultancy firms, professionals and any stakeholders in the pharma, diagnostics and medical devices fields will benefit from reading and having at hand this comprehensive report.

The Antimigraine Market. Therapeutic Drugs, Diagnostics, and Medical Devices. Strategic Analysis to 2022. United States, United Kingdom, and Germany.
The Antimigraine Market. Therapeutic Drugs, Diagnostics, and Medical Devices. Strategic Analysis to 2022. United States, United Kingdom, and Germany.

Price: US $6,500

Contact us to receive more information and an Executive Summary.