Telomere testing and antioxidant supplements may help you manage your migraine. Telomere lengths are used as indicators for biological age. Migraine sufferers have also shown shorter telomeres which confirm that oxidative stress plays an important part in this medical condition.
It is estimated that migraine could affect between 6% and 28% of the population worldwide. This debilitating medical condition is mainly characterized by a throbbing pain in one side of the head. Other symptoms may include nausea, vomiting, and excessive sensitivity to light and sounds.
Telomeres as an indicator in migraine patients and as people age

The first thing here is to understand what a telomere is and how the DNA is built. We all have heard about the DNA and its importance in genetics. The DNA is formed by a sequence of nucleotides (adenine, thymine, guanine, and cytosine) in a kind of paired double helix inside a cell. In the case of humans, telomeres are extensions of DNA that are placed at the tips of all 46 chromosomes in each cell of the body. These telomeres are comprised of six nucleotides (TTAGGG) whose sequence is repeated over and over again at the end of chromosomes. T corresponds to thymine, A to adenine, and G to guanine. In biochemical terms telomeres prevent chromosomes from sticking to other DNA fragments and thus to other chromosomes. This task is particularly important during the process of cell division, which is known as mitosis in biology. The usual analogy is that of those plastic tips at the end of shoelaces that prevent fraying.

Still, it is not only length what matters when talking about telomeres. The shape and tridimensional structure of these DNA elongations are also important because these characteristics determine whether telomeres perform properly. The shape and structure must provide protection as if it were some type of fastener.
It seems demonstrated that migraine has a strong genetic component in most of the cases but the exact consequences at a subcellular level are not known. In any case, some studies have shown that telomeres are shorter than usual in patients suffering from migraine. This fact is important because it was previously demonstrated that telomeres are shortened as people age or suffer from chronic diseases or psycho-social stress too. Shorter telomeres in lymphocytes – a type of small leukocyte or white blood cell – show up even in early-life stress cases. It is also common to observe that maternal longevity is linked to longer telomeres in both men and women.

Following most of the studies, the conclusion is that telomeres shortening may be used as a good biomarker or indicator for some medical conditions. Some scholars suggest that this biomarker could also be used in psychology and psychiatry since psycho-social stressors also shorten telomeres.
Telomere testing may help you with your migraine
The telomeres length is always measured comparing it to the rest of the general population rather than an isolated quantity. This assessment must also be made comparing apples to apples, so to speak, which basically means individuals of the same sex, age, and other conditions. Women generally have longer telomeres. This indicates that telomeres length is pretty much like the height or body mass of an individual, which are personal characteristics. Genetic factors are thought to contribute 30% for the telomeres length. The way scientists compare these personal characteristics may give some hints about your health status and what to do with it considering that approximately 70% of telomeres length depends on environmental or external factors such as diet or physical exercise.
In the case of migraine, telomeres length is significantly shortened according to some studies, but there seems to be no correlation between telomeres length and the harshness and frequency of migraine attacks. In other words, if you suffer from migraine you will probably have shorter telomere lengths than you should have, regardless of the intensity and regularity of your migraine attacks. The variation of telomeres length in migraineurs is also noticeable.
Conducting a telomere length test every five or six months could help you understand whether you are progressing implementing the two most important recommendations that follow in this article, which are changing your lifestyle and a diet that fits your needs, which should be better run under the supervision of an expert.
Antioxidants help in your migraine treatment and biological age
Determining our biological age, in contrast with our chronological age, is always controversial as it implies knowledge about why and how we all become older with all its consequences. We all know of people who are 80 years old and still can do physical or mental things that people in their forties or fifties are incapable of. The reality is that we tend to think in terms of chronological age rather than biological age, and to a certain extent this is a mistake in most aspects of our daily lives.
Aging seems to be the result of several factors that are already known scientifically, and others which are yet to be discovered. So, the best thing to do is to tackle at least those factors that have shown to affect our biological age and therefore our health. Oxidative stress, glucose or even pre-programmed biological processes at a cellular level contribute to our bodies aging. About pre-programmed biological processes there is little we can do for the moment, though advances in biology and medicine are shockingly fast nowadays and we could be surprised in the coming years. But we can certainly do a lot regarding oxidative stress and glucose.
Oxidative stress happens when there is an imbalance between free radicals and antioxidants at a cellular level. These free radicals contain oxygen with an uneven number of electrons that make them interact with other molecules more easily. These interactions may cause undesired or damaging metabolic reactions that can also harm cell components. Oxidative stress is intrinsically related to the immune system and inflammation factors.
Oxidative stress also damages DNA and thus telomeres with more harmful effects because these portions at the tips of the chromosomes are not repaired so efficiently as the rest of the neighboring DNA. As we have mentioned above, science has already proved that telomeres length is associated to the aging process. Irrespective of any chronic disease, telomeres lose some nucleotides in each cell division, becoming shorter and shorter. However, chromosomes can afford to preserve their genetic functions despite some nucleotides loss due to the repetitive sequence of these nucleotides, but this is to a certain point, where cells can no longer divide.
The key to rejuvenate your tissues is precisely cell division. Cell division is conducted by DNA, and the more divisions the higher the probability of carrying DNA errors that may ultimately modify metabolic reactions in your organism. According to Leonard Hayflick, a Professor of Anatomy at the UCSF, cells have capacity to divide an average of 50 times. Therefore, once cells lose a significant amount of telomere length they senesce or deteriorate losing that capacity and accumulating considerable damage that can no longer fix. Consequently, we inevitably age. Nevertheless, that does not happen in all cells and tissues. In eggs and sperm cells for example, there is an enzyme called telomerase that keeps adding nucleotides to that repetitive sequence. Other types of cells may have telomerases that are still somewhat active and delay the deterioration process in cell division.

Telomeres not only prevent chromosomes from fraying and sticking to other chromosomes in mitosis, but also help chromosomes DNA to repair itself preserving its main biological tasks. In other words, telomeres also help to prevent cancer. Cancer is usually the result of uncontrolled cellular growth. This is the reason why adding telomerase to prolong telomeres to enhance cell division is a bad idea to rejuvenate tissues. Longer telomeres may cause uncontrolled cellular divisions. It looks that the ideal length is in-between, neither too long nor too short.
Leukocyte telomere lengths are shortened as people age, but this happens at a lower rate than other cell populations. This is the reason why telomere lengths are mainly studied in leukocytes or white blood cells. Telomerase activity is detectable in contrast with other types of cells in the organism. Oxidative stress, hormonal stress, and inflammation are three key factors that affect leukocyte mitosis or division.
Antioxidants prevent oxidative stress and assist in the protection of telomeres, and these substances can be found in food and nutritional supplements.
8 antioxidant supplements that could help in the treatment of your migraine and to maintain telomeres length
There are several supplements that have powerful antioxidant properties. These antioxidant properties include scavenging of free radicals and reducing oxidative reactions, which support maintenance of a heathier metabolism.
Scholars believe that oxidative stress plays a crucial role in how migraine evolves in patients. For this reason, an appropriate diet and antioxidant supplements may help in the prevention of migraine. A proper diet should include vegetables, fruits, and in general products derived from plants.

Vitamin C
Vitamin C, also known as ascorbic acid, is a powerful antioxidant that is generally supplied when you eat fruit and vegetables. You must be incredibly careful to preserve this vitamin in food as it can be eliminated in a high temperature and strong light environment. Scientists believe that vitamin C helps migraineurs to reduce neuroinflammation and frequency and severity of headaches.
You can purchase clicking on this link Liposomal Vitamin C in Life Extension Europe.
Vitamin B1 (thiamine)
Excessive alcohol consumption generally causes thiamine deficiency. Thiamine deficiency could lead to high levels of oxidative stress. For this reason, having this vitamin may be appropriate for heavy drinkers. In any case, you should consult your healthcare provider.
You can purchase clicking on this link BioActive Complete B-Complex in Life Extension Europe.
Coenzyme Q10
This lipid compound, also known as ubiquinone, also shows antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Apart from these properties, it takes part in DNA and RNA processes such as replication and repair, among other metabolic functions.
In Life Extension Europe you may purchase Super-Absorbable Ubiquinone CoQ10 with d-Limonene online.
This is an herbal extract which has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, among other benefits. Curcumin is extracted from turmeric rhizome of the ginger family. It is mainly used as a food seasoning. Scientists consider that curcumin could be useful for migraine treatment. Some studies have shown that the joint use of curcumin and coenzyme Q10 in patients suffering from sporadic migraine reduce the frequency of migraine attacks.

In Life Extension Europe you may follow this link to purchase Super Bio-Curcumin� Turmeric Extract.
Ginkgolide B
This is an herbal extract with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties obtained from Ginkgo biloba leaves that is mainly used for depression, anxiety, and headaches. Ginkgolide B is often recommended for the treatment of migraine because it has shown positive effects on the modulation of glutamate transmission in the brain and memory.

Ginkgo biloba is also available to be purchased online in Nature’s Lab with free shipping.
Feverfew (Tanacetum parthenium)
Tanacetum parthenium is a flowering plant that can be found in South America. This herb has been traditionally used in migraine treatment thanks to its antioxidant properties. According to some authors, feverfew has proved to be effective in migraine prevention decreasing the frequency of migraine episodes, but once again it may not work for everybody. This plant contains several active ingredients that could benefit migraineurs, but its best known is parthenolide. The problem with this herbal extract is that it may cause numerous side effects such as oral ulcers or allergic reactions, or even more headaches. Pregnant and breastfeeding women should not use feverfew as there is not enough information regarding its safety. You are strongly advised to consult your physician before taking feverfew.

Magnesium is a mineral that takes part in the catalytic process of several enzymes, which include relevant ones in several DNA and RNA processes. For this reason, magnesium deficiency causes higher oxidative stress, and it is necessary as an antioxidant at cellular level. You can get more information about migraine treatment with vitamins and minerals such as magnesium having a look at one of our previous articles following this link.
Zinc is an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory mineral that is naturally present in some foods and can also be taken as a dietary supplement. Zinc plays a major function in the immune system helping to reduce infection.
NatureS Truth Chelated Zinc Tablets 100 Tabs by Natures Truth
from: Universal Herbs Inc
A healthy lifestyle is an add-on to preserve your telomeres
Definitely lifestyle influences telomeres length often activating the telomerase enzyme. Ultraviolet rays exposure, a sedentary lifestyle, alcohol consumption or smoking contribute to deteriorate telomeres. Therefore, to keep the appropriate telomeres length, it is strongly advised to exercise frequently; keep a proper healthy diet; to reduce the daily stress; and if necessary, as a complement to a healthy diet you should take some supplements. You should consult your physician before taking supplements though.
Please read our article related to diets about food intolerance and food allergies in migraine following this link.
Physical exercise
The information provided in this article is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. You should not rely upon the content provided in this article for specific medical advice. If you have any questions or concerns, please talk to your doctor.
These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
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